Import data from multiple sheets of an Excel workbook
reads all the data from the sheets of an Excel workbook and return an appended dataframe.
- path
Path to the xls/xlsx file.
- col_types
to guess all from the spreadsheet or a character vector containing one entry per column from these options: "skip", "guess", "logical", "numeric", "date", "text" or "list". If exactly onecol_type
is specified, it will be recycled. The content of a cell in a skipped column is never read and that column will not appear in the data frame output. A list cell loads a column as a list of length 1 vectors, which are typed using the type guessing logic fromcol_types = NULL
, but on a cell-by-cell basis.- .id
The name of an optional identifier column. Provide a string to create an output column that identifies each input. The column will use names if available, otherwise it will use positions.
A tibble. If there is any column type mismatch during data frames row binding, an error will occur. This is because R cannot combine columns of different types. For example, you cannot combine a column of integers with a column of characters.
See also
, which reads a Sheet of an Excel file into a data frame, and read_gsheets()
, which imports data from multiple sheets in a Google Sheets.
path <- system.file("extdata", "Diamonds.xlsx", package = "bulkreadr", mustWork = TRUE)
read_excel_workbook(path = path, .id = "Year")
#> # A tibble: 260 × 10
#> Year carat color clarity depth table price x y z
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Fair 2 I SI1 65.9 60 13764 7.8 7.73 5.12
#> 2 Fair 0.7 H SI1 65.2 58 2048 5.49 5.55 3.6
#> 3 Fair 1.51 E SI1 58.4 70 11102 7.55 7.39 4.36
#> 4 Fair 0.7 D SI2 65.5 57 1806 5.56 5.43 3.6
#> 5 Fair 0.35 F VVS1 54.6 59 1011 4.85 4.79 2.63
#> 6 Fair 0.5 E VS2 64.9 56 1397 5.01 4.95 3.23
#> 7 Fair 1 E SI1 65.1 61 4435 6.15 6.08 3.98
#> 8 Fair 1.09 J VS2 64.6 58 3443 6.48 6.41 4.16
#> 9 Fair 0.98 H SI2 67.9 60 2777 6.05 5.97 4.08
#> 10 Fair 0.7 F SI1 65.3 54 1974 5.58 5.54 3.63
#> # ℹ 250 more rows
# Column types mismatch error --------------------------------------
# If the `read_excel_workbook()` function complains about a data type mismatch,
# then set the `col_types` argument to `"text"`.
# This will make all the column types in the resulting DataFrame be characters.