creates a data dictionary from a specified data frame.
This function is particularly useful for understanding and documenting the
structure of your dataset, similar to data dictionaries in Stata or SPSS.
A tibble representing the data dictionary. Each row corresponds to a variable in the original data frame, providing detailed information about the variable's characteristics.
The function returns a tibble (a modern version of R's data frame) with the following columns:
position: An integer vector indicating the column position in the data frame.
variable: A character vector containing the names of the variables (columns).
description: A character vector with a human-readable description of each variable.
column type: A character vector specifying the data type (e.g., numeric, character) of each variable.
missing: An integer vector indicating the count of missing values for each variable.
levels: A list vector containing the levels for categorical variables, if applicable.
# Creating a data dictionary from an SPSS file
file_path <- system.file("extdata", "Wages.sav", package = "bulkreadr")
wage_data <- read_spss_data(file = file_path)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 6
#> position variable description `column type` missing levels
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <name>
#> 1 1 id Worker ID dbl 0 <NULL>
#> 2 2 educ Number of years of education dbl 0 <NULL>
#> 3 3 south Live in south fct 0 <chr>
#> 4 4 sex Gender fct 0 <chr>
#> 5 5 exper Number of years of work experi… dbl 0 <NULL>
#> 6 6 wage Wage (dollars per hour) dbl 0 <NULL>
#> 7 7 occup Occupation fct 0 <chr>
#> 8 8 marr Marital status fct 0 <chr>
#> 9 9 ed Highest education level fct 0 <chr>