Data Consolidation: How to Efficiently Merge Multiple CSV Files in Python

In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn how to easily merge several CSV files into one using Python. Whether you’re working with a few small files or large datasets, this guide shows you how to use Pandas for simple tasks or Dask when your data is too big to handle. It’s a practical, straightforward approach for anyone looking to combine CSV files efficiently.


October 20, 2022


September 10, 2024


Data consolidation is a crucial step in data preprocessing, particularly when you are working with multiple data sources or large datasets. This tutorial will walk you through the process of merging multiple CSV files into a single dataframe using Python. We will explore two methods: one using Pandas and another using Dask, which is designed to handle larger datasets that may not fit into your computer’s memory.


Before proceeding, make sure you have the following libraries installed:

pip install pandas dask

Additionally, you can follow along by downloading the sample dataset here.


Method 1: Using Pandas

Step 1: Load all CSV files

To begin, we will use the glob module to list all files matching a specific pattern. This pattern will allow us to target multiple CSV files at once:

from glob import glob
import pandas as pd

# List all files matching the pattern
files = sorted(glob('data/Sales_Data_*.csv'))


Here, glob() finds all files with names matching the pattern Sales_Data_*.csv and sorts them for easier handling.

Step 2: Load and merge CSV files into a single dataframe

Once we have the list of files, the next step is to read and concatenate them using Pandas:

# Concatenate all CSV files into a single dataframe

sales_pandas = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in files], ignore_index = True)

This command reads each file in the list, creates a Pandas dataframe, and merges them into a single dataframe.

Step 3: Verify the consolidated data

Finally, inspect the data to ensure it was properly loaded:

sales_pandas.head() # Display the first few rows of the dataframe
Region Product Date Sales
0 West Prod T 9/6/2012 53395.17732
1 West Prod K 2/23/2016 116609.69480
2 South Prod F 9/20/2013 72524.09530
3 South Prod J 12/24/2010 22538.47873
4 North Prod D 3/28/2012 45616.53282
sales_pandas.tail() # Display the last few rows of the dataframe
Region Product Date Sales
1001 West Prod L 10/19/2010 19017.514750
1002 North Prod H 6/17/2010 13202.371870
1003 South Prod K 7/23/2015 106101.309600
1004 South Prod C 3/31/2010 9553.824099
1005 South Prod I 2/4/2014 79516.456490

This step helps to confirm that the data has been successfully consolidated.

Method 2: Using Dask

If you are working with datasets that are too large to fit in memory, Dask is a great alternative to Pandas. Dask allows you to work with larger-than-memory datasets by breaking them into manageable chunks and processing them in parallel.

Step 1: Install and import Dask

First, ensure Dask is installed:

pip install dask

Then, import Dask alongside Pandas:

import dask.dataframe as dd

Step 2: Read and load files into a Dask dataframe

Like Pandas, Dask can also load multiple CSV files. The difference is that Dask operates lazily, meaning it doesn’t load the data until it is necessary.

# Read CSV files with Dask

sales_dask = dd.read_csv('data/Sales_Data_*.csv')

This command will load all CSV files matching the pattern into a Dask dataframe.

Step 3: Convert the Dask dataframe into a Pandas dataframe (if needed)

Once you’ve processed the data with Dask, you can compute the result and convert it to a Pandas dataframe, if needed:

sales_pandas = sales_dask.compute()

This will trigger the computation and load the data into memory as a Pandas dataframe. Be cautious with this step, as the dataset needs to fit into memory for Pandas to handle it.

Step 4: Analyze and verify the data

As with Pandas, you can inspect the Dask dataframe or the resulting Pandas dataframe:

Region Product Date Sales
0 West Prod T 9/6/2012 53395.17732
1 West Prod K 2/23/2016 116609.69480
2 South Prod F 9/20/2013 72524.09530
3 South Prod J 12/24/2010 22538.47873
4 North Prod D 3/28/2012 45616.53282 = 'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 1006 entries, 0 to 45
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------   --------------  -----  
 0   Region   1006 non-null   object 
 1   Product  1006 non-null   object 
 2   Date     1006 non-null   object 
 3   Sales    1006 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 179.5 KB

This gives you a detailed look at the memory usage of your dataset, which is particularly helpful for large datasets.


When consolidating data from multiple CSV files, Pandas is a fantastic option for small- to medium-sized datasets. However, when handling larger datasets that exceed your computer’s memory, Dask provides an efficient alternative by allowing parallel processing.

Understanding when to use Pandas or Dask depends largely on the size of the data you’re working with and your available system resources. Start with Pandas for small datasets, and switch to Dask as your data grows in complexity.

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